This week in shenanigans (3/8/24 – 3/14/24)

  • Haze talked about our AI overlords and questioned us on what the ehtics might entail. How do you feel about this?
  • PLENTY of discourse surrounding the possibilities of what’s going on with the Princess of Wales, there’s nothing credible coming out but a ton of theories!
  • 3/14 was PI day! Have some nice pie and want to share it? Please do!
  • 3/17 is Saint Patrick’s day, we all hate snakes and love alcohol so make sure to thank a fellow irish lad or lass if you see them.
  • Pictures of baby chickens were posted, make sure to visit your local farm store/co-op to see some!

Important events

  • Pirate patch 10.2.6 comes out this upcoming Tuesday, 3/19 (chewsday bruv, bit fokked the princess’s missin innit?)
  • As always, we love and miss everyone and are excited to reunite with the upcoming patch! Feel free to reach out in any capacity if the woes of the world are tugging on you and you need to blow off steam.

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